

8ヶ月ぶりになりましたが またすこしずつ 確実に 更新して参ります。







9ヶ月間の留学を終え 帰国してから1ヶ月半が経過いたしました。相変わらずゆるされた選択肢が多く わたくしの未来は無限の可能性を秘めていることを実感しています。持ち前の行動力により恵まれた 良い出会いもあり 刺激は常に受けています。ひとつのチャプターが終わってしまったこと いまひとつ実感がわいていないのが本音だけれど いまはそれでも良い気がしている モラトリアム最高!


良い出会いと書きましたが、それに関連してブログのはなしをすこし。昨年10月に作成していた書きかけの記事がいくつも 下書き一覧に残っていてうれしくなった こんなところで過去のわたしに出会えるなんて たのしいねえ。ブログを掘り起こすきっかけをくれたえれんちゃんに感謝。こだわって納得していきましょう。「 誰かのために」ではなく まずはじぶんのために。







本題にはいります。今回は 留学先で履修した授業の概要と成績 についてまとめます。








 【 授業概要 】


9ヶ月間の交換留学中、 イギリスのブライトン University of Sussex という大学の School of Media, Film and Music(学部)で Media and Cultural Studies というコースに所属していました。


Autumn Term と Spring Term の2学期の間に(前の記事で3学期制と書いたけれど 実質2学期制でした)、合計6つの授業を履修しました。




気になったら連絡ください、知識を共有させてください!(irtmr (@diewithelegance) — Ask me anything | ASKfm


(すべての授業を終えないとなかなか分かりづらいのだけれど、学期のはじめにこれを読んでワクワクした感覚を再現できそう。読み進めるうちに「え なになに?これってどういうこと?」や「もしかしてこういうことかな?」「この単語気になる!」を、ワクワクを積み上げていく感覚。)






Autumn Term に履修したのは

1)Digital Environment

   Digital media saturates everyday life, re-organises cultural productions of all kinds, and re-mediates the teaching and learning environments which students inhabit at Sussex. The module aims to examine this digital environment through both practical and theoretical perspectives. It enables students to understand and use digital tools to enhance and explore their study and to take a critically informed stance on their existing practices.

   The module examines developments in new media with a particular emphasis on different uses of digital media, enabling students to make distinctions between kinds of material, genres and platorms. Through a practical approach it equips students to use digital media confidently to both enhance study and to understand the digital environment as media and cultural form.

   The module covers topics including data visualisation, searching for resources, citation, catalogues, mapping, archiving, using social media, privacy, copyright and surveillance, digital media as a research area ( e.g. how to research and ethics of researching Tweets / Wikipedia / social forums ) and the politics of software.

   The module will draw upon a range of digital research platforms, including those owned and / or subscribed to by the university in order to provide a solid foundation for students to embark on future independent research.


- Introduction

- What is the Internet?

- News and DIgital Media

- Digital Research Scholarship

- Digital Divides & Digital Literacy

- Digital Mappings

- Digital Privacy & Digital RIghts

- The Big Search and Discovery

- Screens

- Data Visualisation




2)Media, Memory, History

   This module explores the relationship between history, memory and media. It is an intimate, complex and fascinating relationship that has generated a huge critical literature across a wide range of disciplines. The lecture series will introduce some of the key questions and approaches which you can explore further in the seminars, study groups adn your own independent study.


   To offer a critical introduction to the questions of how communication media are historical artifacts, forged and developed in historical contexts that they also influence; how our access to the past is necessarily mediated through various technical and cultural systems; how media systems capture, store, and re-disseminate material that may be returned to us as collective or individual memories; how the relationship between history and memory is thus bound up with how media systems become embedded cultures; and how digital media are producing and produce new relationships between media, memory and history.


- Time for definition

- Media & the historical record

- Memory & forgetting in the digital age

- Mediated memories : the personal & collective

- Journalism, memory and ethics

- Media witnessing & memorialisation

- Nostalgia for sale : the commodification of memory




3)Practising Cultural Studies

   This module introduces you to the relevance and excitement of using cultural studies' approaches to explore pertinent aspects of life in the 'globalised world' of the 21st century. Cultural studies is a form of attention that is historical, empirical, comparitive, and theoretical. It is ambitious in range and in the questions it asks. In this course we will focus on popular culture as a key object of study and show you a range of creative methods you can se to approach it. 


- Introduction : What is popular culture?

- Culture, power and the popular

- Taste and 'the popular'

- Workers and players

- Gendering popular culture

- Whose culture? Diversifying the popular

- The popular and the individual

- Human rights culture

- Post / human culture






Spring Term に履修したのは

4)Culture Across Space and Time

   This course examines the development of the concepts of culture, space and time, with a main focus on Europe. The key focus is on the mobility of both culture and people across space and through time. Hence we study both people and cultures 'on the move' through migration, travel and tourism, and the cultural encounters and changes that result in various spaces and places.


   This course examines the development of the concepts of culture and human mobility in a temporal and spatial context and how they have shaped societies and social relations. Through an interdisciplinary approach, culture and mobility / migration are examined in their relation and impact on the social, economic and political facets of lives and pratices. Cultural encounters will be deciphered through the prism of racial, ethnic, class and gender relations on a local and global level. Particular emphasis is given to the relationship of culture to place, difference and identity to demonstrate the current discourse on the cultural politics of identification. Drawing on key theoretical debates and case studies, culture will be explored in the context of social changes and social crises, for example globalisation, transnationalism, diaspora, multiculturalism, racism, poverty, marginalisation, social exclusion, etc.


- People and Cultures on the Move

- Culture, Society and Identity : Race, Ethnicity and 'Difference'

- Culture, Society and Identity : Migration, Gender and Sexuality

- Culture, Society and Identity : Assimilation vs Multiculturalism

- Transnational Communities and Transcultural Capital

- Diasporas and Culture

- Migration and Culture : Lifestyle Migration

- Marketing and Performing Culture : Ethnic Businesses and Festival

- Toursim and Culture : A Clash of Unequal Worlds

- Islands and Migration : Insular Spaces as Cultural Crossroads




5)Culture and the Everyday

   On a daily basis we carry out the same tasks, follow similar routines, prepare food and eat it, do the housework or shopping, put on our faces and dress our bodies, take children to school and travel to work or college, on foot, by bike, public transport or by car. This rhythm to our days -both reassuring and stifling- can also be disrupted, whether voluntarily when we take a holiday or engage in something special, or involuntarily when illness or other personal crisis befalls us. If our quotidian lives have a temporal and spatial dimension they are also importantly marked by our relation to people, not only our 'intimates' -family, lovers, friends, colleagues, and the familiar media figures whom we stitch into our emotional lives -but also the 'strangers' whom we encounter each day in the public world. Daily life is also characterised by our interaction with alarge array of objects, from the humble knife and fork to the more spectacular automobile and media technologies which we interleave into our routines. We switch on the radio over a quick breakfast, text friends on a mobile phone and listen to music on an i-Pod whiling away a bus journey. Maybe we mark the end of working day by supper with housemates or family and the comfortable viewing of a TV soap opera. Or maybe we spend time alone with a quickly prepared pasta dish, enjoying the immersive pleasure of a PlayStation game.

   As you will quickly realise on this module, everyday life is a contested term and the domain or practices it refers to are variously evaluated. However, suffice for the moment to adopt a working definition of the everyday as the taken-for-granted, the unremarkable but repeated bedrock activities of life. Given that definition, it is easy to see whythis domain has not always been taken seriously as an object of study. Yet we might argue that it is also through the practices of everyday life that we experience who we are, our lives are invested with meanings and we engage with change. But what counts as the everyday does, of course, depend on who you are socially, where you are, and the time in which you are living. Indeed one way of rendering one's own everyday 'strange', and thus seeing itin a fresh light, is looking back to a different historical moment or by attending to other people's everyday whether in your own country or another part of the world. As some of you may already be aware, the shock of returning to a familiar everyday routine after spending time in another culture can be a profound experience. Everyday life is both ordinary and extraordinary and in this module we want to try to see it in a new light to make this extraordinariness and strangeness more apparent. In also thinking about 'culture' (another holy debated term!) we are placing emphasis on the meanings and practices engendered and struggled over in the module of the everyday. Thus the everyday is not innocent or neutral -simply a set of learnt routines. Rather, in making the everyday we are also making culture(s). Therein too lies the political potential of the everyday: there is always the possibility that it could be done differently.


   One key aim of the module is to provide you with opportunity to reflect on, and 'make strange' your own practices and experiences of the everyday by bringing to bear ideas from readings and discussion. It is this 'making strange' that you will partly address in your contributory assessments, the Learning Diary.


- Everyday matters, everyday culture

- 'Misery' and 'terror'

- 'Poetics' and 'utopia'

- Home to 'home' with media

- (Junk) food times

- Dressing the body

- 'Making love'

- Changing habits

- Escape attempts





6)Debates in Media Studies A

   Debates in Media Studies sets out to explore and historically situate some of the key frameworks for analysing , critiquing, discussing and debating the media. How is the concept of the culture industry relevant today? How is class made visible or non-visible in media representations? Is race a relevant concept in the contemporary world? Why do discussions of race representation rarely focus on whiteness? How can feminist thinking inform our understanding of media output? What is post-feminism and to what extent does it represent societal changes in terms of gender and representation? What can the study of religion offer to media and culture studies? What are the ideological and material consequences of consumption? These are the types of questions that we will be interrogating over the twelve sessions of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials. We will draw on a range of media examples from accross the globe, although the specific direction of such examples will be dictated by the composition of each seminar group.


 - Introduction & History of Ideology

- Popular Class and Culture

- Feminism

- Post-Feminism

- Race 1

- Race 2

- Religion

- Consumer Culture




前述もしましたが 気になる項目などありましたらぜひご連絡ください。分かりにくいのは承知していますので ご質問も!(後日、授業内で取り扱った キーワードや概念、人物 などを加筆するかもしれない!)( irtmr (@diewithelegance) — Ask me anything | ASKfm 







【 成績 】



①module(授業の名前) ②成績 ③単位数 ④具体的な課題 ⑤それぞれの課題の評価 を表にまとめました。



!!! 結果からいうと、すべて満足のいく成績をいただきました !!!


努力と達成感を自己満足に終わらせずに済みました ありがとう。課題たち、総じて大変だったけれど 同じくらいたのしかった。やり遂げました。6つすべて履修してよかった。























4ヶ月あった人生最長の夏休みも はやいものでもう後半戦に突入。9月よりICUに復学しますが 残りもしっかり知識をモリモリ食べて大きくなっていきたいです。もちろん成績がすべてではないからね なによりもじぶんのために 後悔のないように行動して 納得して 大きくなりたい。ようやく、ようやく、卒業論文も書き始めるので それにも大いに期待!知るということはたのしい!
























ブライトンのコーヒーショップのおはなし Vol.1


日本でもスターバックスドトールタリーズ以外のコーヒーショップが流行っていたね。某ブルーボトルをはじめとするサードウェーブコーヒーの流行ね。こっちでも新しくていいかんじのコーヒーショップがたくさんあるよ。若くておしゃれでタトゥーたくさん入ってるおにいさんたちが店員さんをやっていることが多い。店内はだいたいシンプルでおしゃれな雰囲気。どこもラテは £2・6 (400円くらい)前後。





Jolliffes Coffee Shop










The Plant Room








雑貨屋さんとカフェが併設されている。雑貨屋さんにはHAYがおいてあったりしてなかなかハイセンス。カフェは店内の席と外の広場にも結構テーブルが設置されている。外の席を選んでも、しっかり店員さんがコーヒー持ってきてくれるみたい。店内は統一感があって居心地良かった。 日本に合ったらきっと若い人しか入れない雰囲気なんだろうなあと思った。でも、おじいちゃんコミュニティーや親子連れがなんの躊躇もなく入店してくるから、すこし反省した。日本のカフェ文化には足りないオープンさがある気がする。



















Melbourne Street というバス停の真ん前にある小さな白い四角いお店。大きい Sainsburys のちかくにある。ほんとうに小さいお店で店内には10人も座れないかな。外にはテーブルがいくつか並べてあって天気がよい日だったらたのしいかも。ただ、ほんとうにバス停の目の前・・・というかもはやバス停?わたしがこのお店を知ったのはバスの中から見えたから。ということもあり、バスの乗客の視線をバシバシかんじる。店員さんはすごくフレンドリー。店員さんのお友達がよく飲みにきているみたい。平日は7時からやっていて愛を感じる。




The Lanes Coffee House










 Little Bird







のどが乾いて仕方がなかったときにふらりと入ったお店。North Laine という小さい竹下通りみたいな通りの中にある。North Laine には本屋、雑貨屋、チョコレート屋、バー、ムーミンショップ(!)、セカンドハンドショップ、帽子屋などなど 多種多様なお店が所狭しと並んでいる。カフェも多くてJolliffes Coffee Shop も実はこの通りにある。近くの Beyond retro という古着屋さんで大量に買い物をしてきたであろうおしゃれなおばさま方や読書をするお姉さんなど、お客さんを見ているだけでもほんとうに一日居座れそう。わたしが頼んだのはクランベリージュース。窓際には ケーキ が大量に並べてあるんだけど、太陽の光をもろにうけていて大丈夫だろうかと心配してしまった。




いつになるかわからないけれど Vol.2 も書くと思う。